Monday, June 29, 2015

Hudson Hawk

Seriously, did anybody see that movie? Hudson Hawk? It was really kinda fun and funny, though it was critically blasted. Anyway, loyal contributor and hawk-eyed sweetie-pie Alice M. sends in this fine pic from Hudson, NY. (Thus the Hudson Hawk thought.) So, a big boxed set of Bruce Willis' greatest movies goes out to Alice M. as our little way of saying "thanks!" Enjoy!

Free is a lonely road

Loyal reader and occasional friend . . . no. Wait. Occasional reader and loyal friend A grrr sends in this actually really great shot from out Woodstock way. A 36 exposure, well preserved canister of Kodachrome film goes out to A grrr as out little way of saying "thanks" and keep up the good work!! (Good luck with the processing.)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

A bushel and a peck

And a basket of free, "dedicated", as the inscription reads, "to the glory of god and human welfare." Which is, grammatically, an interesting dedication. Is it dedicated to the glory of "god and human welfare"? Kinda as one conjoined idea? Or is it dedicated to two separate things? And if so, shouldn't this dedication pay a little more attention to that thing the stern grammar teachers call "parallel structure"? (And when do the quotation marks go inside the punctuation and when do they go outside?) Should it actually read: "Dedicated to the glory of god and [to] human welfare."?

Regardless, a copy of Strunk & White's classic, The Elements of Style, illustrated by Maira Kalman, goes out to new contributor Barbara S., as our little way of saying "thanks!". Exclamation, end quote.

Astoria. Queens. New York City. Sent in by Barbara S.

Rhinebeck, N.Y.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dr. K!

A few from steadfast reader Jenny K., whose daughter just graduated high school. Holy crap, where does the time go? A free trip in a time machine to go back and do it all over again goes out to Jenny K. as out little way of saying "thanks".

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

From the deep south

Thanks to an undisclosed Desario for sending in this free sign from the mean streets of the New York's gritty West Village. A big bag of top round from Dickson's Farmstand Meats goes out to them for their summer bbq pleasure as our little way of saying 'thanks.'

Monday, June 1, 2015

We love the smell of bleach in the morning

New reader Uri P. sends in this "Still life with free sign" for our viewing pleasure. A case of extra white coconuts goes out to her as our little way of saying 'thanks.'